About the Author

Ulaonda Parham, M.A.Ed.
Ulaonda Parham was born in a small town of Townsville, North Carolina, and raised in Henderson, North Carolina. She has a Master’s of Arts Degree in Education, a Bachelor’s of Art Degree in Psychology, and an Infant Toddler and Family Specialist certification. She currently is an Independent Early Intervention Therapist/Developmental Play Specialist.
Ulaonda has a strong passion for teaching and building confidence in youth, adults, families, and future leaders. She has extensive experience teaching children with developmental delays, including autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing difficulties behavioral/social emotional challenges, fine motor delays, and cognitive delays. She is dedicated to sharing in the child/family learning experience, working with diverse populations, and discovering ways that best meet an individual’s learning needs.
She enjoys spending time with God, her children, and her family. She also enjoys basketball, traveling, reading and writing. Ulaonda’s most rewarding position of all is being a mother and role model to her two beautiful children. She quotes “Success and walking in purpose comes from making an effort; and these efforts include creating a balance of effectiveness in both our personal and professional life.”